dijous, 29 de maig del 2008



In this film, fairytale cartoon characters are transposed from a magical land to New York. Princess Giselle is in love with Prince Edward, but Edward's mother, the evil queen, does not want them to marry. She banishes Giselle from her magical land. Giselle finds herself in New York today. There, she meets and falls in love woth Rob, the lawyer, who helps her. But then Prince Edward arrives to find his princess..

I watch the film and I think that it's very interesting


dimarts, 27 de maig del 2008

diumenge, 11 de maig del 2008

Tom Sawyer

I think that the novel is very interesting.
It understand very well. The chapters are very differents. I really like it because I love the adventures of Tom Sawyer.
I have learned very much vocabulary.

dimecres, 30 d’abril del 2008

Dialogue: Asking for and giving advice

Clàudia: Hey Mariona. Are you OK?
Mariona: No, I don't feel very well.
Clàudia: Why, what's wrong?
Mariona: I've got a headache
Clàudia: Have you taken an aspirine?
Mariona: Yes, I have but I still feel terrible.
Clàudia: Well, you shouldn't do P.E!
Mariona: Yes, I suppose you're right.

diumenge, 27 d’abril del 2008

Writing A class survey

Class survey: TV Programmes

In this survey, I asked fifteen people in my class about the TV programme they have watched this week

Most people in my class have watched TV this week. Fifty per cent have watched "Fama ¡A bailar!" Two people have watched "Operación Triunfo" and two people have watched "El Internado".

Half the class have tried movies. A few people have tried "Casi 300" and "Harry Potter". One person has tried "Saw IIII". No one has tried "El Orfanato".